Saturday, 21 August 2021

Climbing out of the Abyss

So we have been through the most weird and strange global crisis, aka the Covid-19 pandemic.  And those of us lucky enough to still be here and healthy are doing  okay...aren't we?  The truth is that it is after something like this that we start to struggle emotionally.  At the time we are in survival mode.

So...what should we do to recover?  Move house?  Get a dog?  hmmm.  I am thinking get some rest and reduce your cognitive load to allow the brain to recover.  Too much stress eventually leads to anxiety.  And if you are anxious for long enough, it leads to depression.  As does being overtired.

Which means: 
don't try to hard.  
Get to bed when you are tired.
moderate the alcohol and sugar.
Have enough fun.  A daily fun prescription is essential to recovery.
get outside.  Every day.
Move.  it's the only thing that disperses stress hormones.  It doesn't have to be strenuous.
Stay off the computer in leisure time as much as  possible, especially if you are working remotely.
And be patient, gentle and give it time...

  Sounds boring right?  Well it takes our mental health longer to recover than physical health and its really important to be gentle with ourselves and let that recovery happen.